Transforming High Performers into Extraordinary Performers

Get Ready For The Next Level Of Your Life
You & Me
If you’re reading this, you’ve probably been very successful. You’ve a CV that 99% of people could only dream of. You’ve a track record of achieving amazing things in life and people are naturally drawn to you. You’re confident on the outside and have accomplished almost everything you’ve ever truly set your mind to.
But inside, you flip from a strong sense of self belief and assurance, to questioning how you got to where you are.... “You’ve just been lucky, you’ve just been in the right place at the right time, you’ll get found out soon” are likely common statements from that voice in your head.
At the top of your game, you can be whoever you need to be to reach your goal. Leader, problem solver, hero, loving partner, engaged parent, boardroom negotiator. When you’re ‘in the zone’, you can effortlessly flick the switch between these. You’re not a fraud, you’re just great at bringing out the best in yourself in each situation (that’s why you’re so successful and people love you). But that can be exhausting and confusing. How can I maintain this level? I can’t keep pushing the boundaries, surely I’ll get found out or burn out? Why do I always want more? Why can’t I just be happy with what I have?
You’re still reading this because it feels like I’m talking directly to you…
My name is Scott MacDonald. I’ve been an adviser to the Exec of some of the biggest companies in the world. I work with people at the top of their game from Elite Athletes to Serial Million Dollar Entrepreneurs, from Special Forces Soldiers to Senior Leaders across large organisations. I’ve delivered over a quarter of a billion dollars through transformation and change across the globe and led both individuals and teams from the depths of despair to levels of greatness that few people thought possible.
I love people. I’m an expert at getting the most out of people. And I understand people because you can’t make that kind of difference in the world if you don’t.
These days, I’m a coach and advisor, to people like you. Bringing the absolute most out of you to not just achieve great things but to do it in all aspects of your life.
You might not know anyone with a coach. You might not know what coaching is. But you do know that when you are on fire, you can achieve things you never thought possible. And you want to feel like that Every. Single. Day.
And if you’ve read this far, you know I’m talking to you and that we need to meet.

“Not All Athletes Have A Coach,
But All Olympians Do”
+44 7751 747 467